
Before and After Laser Tattoo Removal Advice

Undergoing laser tattoo removal requires preparation before and after the procedure. The success of laser tattoo removal lies on your ability to follow instructions from your doctor.

For years, tattoos have provided people with a way to express themselves. Gone are the days when wearing body art was considered a taboo. Nearly 45 million Americans wear some kind of tattoo. However, studies have also revealed that 23 percent of people who have tattoos regret their decision to wear a tattoo.

If you belong to that number who experience ‘buyers remorse’ with your tattoo, you do not have to live in regret throughout your life. You can consider tattoo removal in Detroit to remove whatever memories the tattoo has. In the past, tattoo removal involved physically scraping away the ink which can cause damage to the skin. With laser tattoo removal, there is less possibility of damage to the skin.

Although the procedure involves minimal risks, the success of laser tattoo removal lies on learning proper before and after tattoo removal care. Here are some tips on how to make laser tattoo removal more effective and safer.

Before The Procedure

Before laser tattoo removal, your provider will explain your options and choose the most effective one. They will review your medical history, discuss possible risks and benefits, and take photos before and after assessments. Here’s what you should do before your appointment:

  •  Eat a full meal or snack before your appointment. You can get light-headed because of having an empty stomach. Also, drink lots of fluids.

  • If you’re a smoker, consider quitting. Cigarette smoke can slow down the healing process and can increase the risk of complications.

  • Avoid sun exposure, use sunscreens, and cover up for four weeks before the initial tattoo removal session. Tanned skin can make it prone to adverse reactions.

  • Consider taking Tylenol or other nonaspirin pain medication before the procedure. It can help alleviate any potential discomfort.

  • Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen as it may cause bruising after treatment

  •  Clean the area to be treated and make sure that it is free of lotions, perfumes, and cosmetics

 After Removal

 After undergoing laser tattoo removal, here are some of the things that you can expect on your way to recovery:

  • Discomfort. Tattoo removal will not be painless. However, your provider will inject a numbing agent that will prepare the upper layers of your skin. You will experience minor symptoms like redness, blistering, swelling, itching, and some bleeding which will only last for a few days after each treatment. You can ease the discomfort with an ice pack.

  • Skin Discoloration. There will be temporary skin discoloration during the recovery process. As the laser breaks up the ink, the upper layer of your skin will turn into a shade of white. This temporary side effect is called frosting and will disappear once the skin peels off between treatment sessions. You can also experience hyperpigmentation or darkening of the skin as well as hypopigmentation or lightening of the skin.

During the recovery process, make sure to manage your expectations. Laser tattoo removal is an effective treatment but the results are sometimes not perfect. Everything will depend on the type of ink, size, and location of your tattoo.

  • Melvin Magadia: Melvin is a gadgets freak and a family man. He has written numerous articles on a wide range of topics. He loves playing basketball, badminton, and surfing the Internet.