
15 Classic Myths Debunked!

It debunks 15 classic myths in our day to day life. Many of which are completely amazing!

MYTH 1: Human memory is a recording of what happened.
Whenever we face a scenario, whatever it may be our mind remembers it. It learns it. And as per our thought process, we can memorize as well as imagine the scenario. But while imagining this its never like a recording. A recording is more of a continuous term. You get distorted images rather than debunked. So yes this was the recording myth.

woman touching a black wall

Photo by Tobe Roberts on

MYTH 2: The 300 myth

All of us love the 300 movie. The bravery and courage of those Spartans were absolutely astonishing. They withstood the vast Persian army and they won. But the question is, did they? Sorry, but the 300 movie is historically inaccurate. Actually, the Spartans had considerable help from different alliances. Although their fierce fight is always highly appreciable, the warriors never were 300. The count was a lot more than that.

MYTH 3: Edison-Light bulb?

light light bulb bulb heat

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What do you know, who invented the light bulb? Well I know it was Edison. But although Edison is generally credited for the invention of the light bulb, he actually didn’t invent the light bulb. He just provided a much better version than the previous versions. The previous versions consumed a lot of power and were practically useless. Thomas just improvised them to create a practically the usable bulb not invent.

MYTH 4: Penny from empire state

skyline new york empire state building skyscraper

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They say if we drop a penny from empire state building, and if it hits a person on the sidewalk then he/she might actually die. Sounds horrific! Well, not as horrific as you think. It was proven wrong both scientifically and experimentally( I don’t know how!).

MYTH 5: 10% of the brain.

photo of head bust print artwork

Photo by meo on

No, absolutely not! This is one of the most popular belief. I even believed that. But it turned out to be false. The human brain is working constantly whether we know it or not. The popular myth that some part of our brain is unused and could be subsequently activated just rests in the folklore. It is true that some parts of your brain are more actively working than others but that doesn’t mean that any part remains silent.

MYTH 6: Lightning never strikes the same place twice again.

photo of lightning

Photo by Philippe Donn on

It probably originated from the old saying that “lightning never strikes the same place again”. Any veteran storm researcher or observer will tell you to your face that such a “phenomenon” does not exist. Nevertheless its a pretty dangerous myth.

MYTH 7: Bats are blind

black bat

People believe that bats are blind and can only use sound waves for perceptive movement. They do use sound waves but that doesn’t mean they are blind. They see almost as well as humans, during the daytime. However during the night their night, their sense of hearing is more important than vision.

MYTH 8: Bulls and the RED color

man holding red textile in front of black bull

As common as it is, bulls charge towards red color. At least that’s what you know. But in truth, they are color blind! They cannot distinguish between that red and white color. They are probably instigated by the movement of the cape and thus get angry.

MYTH 9: The dark side of the moon

half-moon illustration

Moon doesn’t have a “dark side”. The part which we see as the dark part is constantly changing due to moon’s and earth’s motion. Which is basic science?

MYTH 10: The Vikings and the horned helmet.

Vikings word has a stereotype of horned helmets. But in reality, they didn’t have a horned helmet as their disguise. Archeologists have discovered a single helmet which was horned! It originates to costume made by 1870s costume designer Carl Emil Doepler to depict Viking characters which cause the stereotype.

MYTH 11: Water is a conductor of electricity

close-up photography of droplets

It is not. Why don’t you try putting your hand in electrocuted water? No! don’t ever do that! It will definitely give you a shock. Because although water is not a conductor, the salts present in it are. They will conduct electricity.

MYTH 12: TV and the eyes

Sitting too close to TV is NOT harmful to your eyes. It will give you a headache at the most but nothing permanent. Your eye cells don’t get damaged because of that. Sorry parents!

MYTH 13: Ice cream and the cold.

strawberry ice cream on cone

Eating ice cream can get you a cold. But it doesn’t imply that when you eat ice cream when you are cold will make your cold worse. So next time don’t hold back because you have a runny nose!

MYTH 14:8 glasses of water

clear drinking glass filled with water

Yes, I know. The human body consists of 75% of water and we should drink as much water as possible. Wait. The human body consists of water but you should drink water only when you feel to. there is no specific measurement bar of 8 glasses. But its sometimes good to keep yourself hydrated.

MYTH 15: 5 second-food-floor

biscuits with box on gray surface

I dropped a chocolate(unwrapped). But picked it up in 5 secs. My friend right beside me said to me that its safe to eat. I asked why. He replied with a statement
“Anything edible when dropped on the floor is safe to eat if picked up again in 5 secs.”
I did some digging. And not surprisingly found out that it’s not. Microorganisms take microseconds to attach to food. So don’t consider it safe. Because it’s definitely not.

So these were 15 classic myths debunked! Do you know any more? Let us know in comments section!

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